Mobiles Kino (Basel)
2022-07-04 16:47:56
A lot of works in the area of electromechanic/optic calculation in games.
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The CFA was founded in 1987 in Basel, Switzerland, when 3-letter names were still in fashion. CFA stood for “Computer Freaks Association”. In the first months the CFA was a group of C64 fans and gaming tournaments were held in regular intervals. They organised a gaming room at a local School-Party of the RG in Basel.

The CFA started with pure Demo-Making and Software-Swapping. The first international contact was the Norwegian group The Sinister Realm 2013 Stavanger. One of the early meeting places was the Dial-Club, a local Computer-Center in Basel.
At this time a regular Exchange-Ring of Software between the members was built up.
The first Copy-Party visited by CFA members was Crazy & ZSS Party 1988 in Pratteln/Switzerland. In 1989 Members of the group was busted by police on a German Copy-Party, but thanks to slow Swiss legislation, no CFA member had any troubles at all after returning to Switzerland.
The CFA took part in Demo-Contests of other Swiss copy parties: Crazy & RCS Party 1989, Crazy Stardom Copy-Party 1989 and Fresh Party 1990

In the early days, our strategy was: focus on Switzerland. This changed with the first member expansion outside of Basel: 
German members: Snief and The Cure.
Liechtenstein members: Sandman.

War against another Swiss group Fresh, which led to a funny anti demo Fresh on Top. The war was officially ended at the Swiss Pirates Reunion 2002. (nowadays there are many friendship boundaries between the former 2 opponents).

The CFA has in the meantime started importing and cracking games: access to the major US BBS, latest wares and cards agogo. 

1990-1991 Cooperation with Italian Cracking Service from Italy.

11/1989-07/1993 reknown Disk Mag “Immortal Flash” an e-zine that become quite popular in the scene (later released by Atlantis).

In 02/1991 the CFA died and the remaining members built up Atlantis. More info in Joker Note.
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The arcade was a place to play games, meeting point. In the german part of switzerland there were almost only males (you could also gambel). They were dark in the most of cases.
In the ‘westschweiz’ there were a lot more women in also in the arcades and younger people (for example in Lausanne). 
In the arcades there were always different types of arcades (older and the latest), than ‘table football’, flippers and so on.
Games made with old technologies but not old working hardware.
Who are the tracker-musicians in switzerland?


Computerclub STAB, gegr. 1986, ca. 260 Mitlieder. Keine Mitgliedsbeiträge und Aufnahmegebühren. Leistungen: gelegentliche Kurse, Disketten zum Selbstkostenpreis, PD-Software. Kontaktadresse: STAB, J. Giroud, Solothurnstr. 69, CH-3322 Urtenen
Atari Computer Club Zürich, gegr. 1987. Mitgl.-Beitrag Azubis und Studenten 100 Franken jährlich, sonstige 150 Franken. Leistungen: Clubmagazin, PD-Software, Kurse. Kontaktadresse: ACC, Hansjürg Bürgler, Schüsselwies 13, CH-8636 Wald
DIAL-Computer-Club, gegr. 1984, 300 Mitglieder. Mitgl.-Beitrag Jugendliche 8 Franken monatlich, Erwachsene 11 Franken. Leistungen: Kurse. Kontaktadresse: DIAL-Computer-Club, Iwan Martin, Postfach 231, CH-4003 Basel
Aargauischer Computer Club, gegr. 1985, 400 Mitglieder. Mitgl.-Beitrag 80 Franken jährlich, Ermässigungen möglich. Leistungen: PD-Software, Kurse, Clubzeitschrift. Kontaktadresse: ACCB, Aargauischer Computer Club, CH-5200 Brugg
Verein Compix, gegr. 1988, 40 Mitglieder. Mitgl.-Beitrag 60 Franken jährlich. Leistungen: PD-Software, eigene Mail box. Kontaktadresse: Verein Compix, Roland Koller, Zähringerstr. 21, CH-6003 Luzern
2022-07-07 13:23:59
Drop Da Bomb ist sicher nicht vielen Atari-Fans ein Begriff. Könntet Ihr Euch kurz vorstellen?
Wir sind ein Musiker-/DJ-Kollektiv aus Basel in der Schweiz und produzieren Electro, dies zu einem großen Teil mit Lo-Fi-Instrumenten und -Computern. Seit einigen Jahren veröffentlichen wir die erstellten Songs auf unserer Website [1], Records und einigen weiteren Websites.
Unsere Crew besteht aus: Stu (Atari ST, Synths, Effekte), Remo (Laptop, Synths & Samplers) und Dj Rewind (Turntables). Auf unseren Live-Auftritten sorgt unser Laser-Techniker "Dr. Argon" zusätzlich für visuelle Effekte.
2022-06-30 09:42:21
Computerclubs were a very important institution. 
0. Is a place and a community in the same and also a public in the same
1. Networking people in a non internet time.
2. Bringing KnowhHow to people (Courses)
3. Showing, Selling Hardware (Internally)
4. Own public magazines
5. Part of Creating Groups/interested people
6. Only available in bigger towns
  • Unclear why to import Consoles/Cartdriges > Business
  • Good to repair - Nintendo
  • Import from Germany