Interesting piece, because. you have to move around with an avatar to get to the demos. so their is a gamemechanic (puzzle) to open the subdemos!
Question: When this demo was created?
All in one. Democollection - show all possible things in one demo. also often wirh story telling aspects - visual narrative or a classic story.
What is possible on one disc. More longterm motivation, more content needed.
Own type/textsorte.
Röstigraben? Another demoscene?
Geneva is falling down. 
2022-06-17 12:25:12
Zaxxon invaded the earth and destroyed everything. Only switzerland is left as as resistance area. The coders … 
The story behind
2022-04-14 14:55:17
r and c discussed if a bootsector virus is possible (in 512 bytes). than c went home and coded in2 days one, gave a infected disc to r with software. legend: from this disc all sca viruses shall come from.
story was told in a discussion around 2013 by c.
2022-06-17 14:05:50
Several demos are behind the mechanic of the ‘puzzler’
Swiss Game Design
2022-06-25 19:17:32
The swiss gamedesign was influenced and even founded by the cracker scene coming from the C64 to Amiga and the other tree was the Atari ST. Around 25 own Games and Ports were created and published from 1985-1997. There was even an own publisher Linel. 
2022-09-08 18:34:41
Media are infact also memory libraries and of course public libraries. Of course the are also the opposite of oral history in the most of the caeses.