the digitalization we are talking about today is a 1950s movement and transformation around a great invention - the computer (universal machine). it has the same dimension and social changes as gutenberg's invention of printing, or at least it is a step further in the evolution of the gutenberg galaxy. This platform collects all artifacts, memories and social events around this transformation. it also deals with re-invention or the retro movement, i.e. what is inspired by old and obsolete technology amd computers and what happens when people invent new games on old machines (newvintagesoft, demake) - old style - computers/console as fantasy computers, fantasy consoles.
Programmierspiele von Krieg der Kerne über Robowar zu HumanRessourceMachine [German] // blog
8bit-GameDesign - new assemblers ... // blog
Shenzen I/O
swiss vintage computing
shenzen TIS
Let's Try TIS-100 / Shenzhen I/O / Shenzhen Solitaire - YouTube