Rhizom: connections
Chesire Catalyst
**The Cheshire Catalyst** (Richard Cheshire) (@Cheshire2600) was the last editor of the notorious TAP Newsletter of the 1970s and 1980s. (TAP was a predecessor of 2600 Magazine.) In his “share the knowledge” spirit, he has volunteered at every HOPE conference since the first one in 1994. His PHonePHriendly.Com sets up web pages meant to be read on mobile phone web browsers, and allows him to delude himself that he’s still into phones as a phreak.
So waren Artikel auch in der TAP von Cheshire Catalyst - eigentlich Richard
Cheshire - einfach mit »by Cheshire« gekennzeichnet. Cheshire Catalyst
entstand in Anlehnung an die Grinsekatze - Cheshire Cat - bei Alice in