Swiss Game Design
2022-06-25 19:17:32
The swiss gamedesign was influenced and even founded by the cracker scene coming from the C64 to Amiga and the other tree was the Atari ST. Around 25 own Games and Ports were created and published from 1985-1997. There was even an own publisher Linel. 
2023-03-13 16:28:54
MOVE.L  #1000,A0       ;bring address in A0          
MOVE    #1,(A0)        ;write 1 into this address

  DC.W 2                ;number of entries -1                  
  DC.W 1,2,3            ;elements of list

CLR.L   D0            ;erase D0 completely                   
MOVE.L  #RECORD,A0    ;address of list in A0                   
MOVE    (A0),D0       ;number of elements -1 in D0                   
MOVE    1(A0,D0),D1   ;last element in D1                   ...           
RECORD: DC.W 2                ;number of entries -1                   
DC.W 1,2,3            ;elements of list

CMP  #2,D1
CMP   #2,D1      ;comparison,or subtraction
                 BNE   UNEQUAL    ;branch,if not equal(Z flag not set)
                 MOVE  #0,D2      ;otherwise execute D2=0

 T        true,corresponds to BRA
          F        false,never branches
          HI       higher than                   C'* Z'
          LS       lower or same                 C   Z
          CC,HS    carry clear,higher or same    C'
          CS,LO    carry set,lower               C
          NE       not equal                     Z'
          EQ       equal                         Z
          VC       overflow clear                V'
          VS       overflow set                  V
          PL       plus,positive
          MI       minus,negative
          GE       greater or equal              N*V N'*V'
          LT       less than                     N*V' N'*V
          GT       greater than                  N*V*Z' N'*V'*Z'
          LE       less or equal                 Z   N*V'   N'*V

      Bcc     Label         conditional branch,depends on condition
      BRA     Label         unconditional branch(similar to JMP)
      BSR     Label         branch to subprogram.Return address is
                            deposited on stack,RTS causes return to that
      CHK     <ea>,Dx       check data register for limits,activate the
                            CHK instruction exception.
      DBcc    Reg,Label     check condition,decrement and branch
      JMP     Label         jump to address(similar to BRA)
      JSR     Label         jump to subroutine.Return address is
                            deposited on stack,RTS causes return to that
      NOP                   no operation
      RESET                 reset peripherals(caution!)
      RTE                   return from exception
      RTR                   return with loading of flags
      RTS                   return from subroutine(after BSR and JSR)
      Scc     <ea>          set a byte to -1 when condition is met
      STOP                  stop processing(caution!)
      TRAP #n               jump to an exception
Aufstand der Zeichen
2022-09-12 08:14:43
Aufstand der Zeichen' hatte der französische Philosoph Baudrillard die Graffiti-Praxis schon in den Siebzigern genannt – eine Rebellion, die nicht gegen Kapitalismus, Ausbeutung oder Staatsmacht aufbegehrt, sondern die 'urbane Ordnung der Zeichen' aufmischt.
OLIVER Being a pixel guy – the tools were remarkable. We did not have devkit like the Katakis tools or something specified for creating game graphics. I used the editor that came with the Shoot ‘Em Up Construction Kit for sprites, which turned out extremely practical. The Ronny-sprite was created with an C64 editor called Mob-Profi, which provided overlayed hires and multicolour-sprites. The pictures in the intro and end sequence were pixeled in Koala Painter with a joystick, but everything else was more like hacking. I edited the charset with a font editor. The level backgrounds were tile-based maps, so a friend of mine coded one tool for combining 2×2 chars to tiles including the colour – and a second tool for assembling the levelmap like a puzzle game. As setup I had a C128 and Amiga 500 side by side. By the way – there was a TV and a monitor connected to the C128 at the same time, because of the the different video quality and I wanted to be sure that the graphics  looked right on both display types. With our modern mouse or stylus driven tools and those workflow-trimmed programs it is hard to believe that we got things done at all back in the day when we were even lacking fundamentals such as UNDO functionality. However, I have to say that you had full control over the technical specs of the graphics and as a graphic designer you started to think like a coder.
Otherwise, I hardly remember details of the project. At least for the first month, Mario and I were working alongside each other. The intro and the end sequence were finished first. Then it was very intense and determined by crunchtime, the process was sort of first-in-first-out. The progress in code was tied to incoming graphics. Markus composed the new tunes at home far away and we had some issues with the delivery. Nevertheless the whole soundtrack reached us in time and its implementation went smoothly. Still there was no free time at all. In the final weeks weeks it became a kind of competition – like, who needs the least sleep! I also remember that the editing of the levels was pretty chaotic. Three of us worked in shifts and it took much longer than planned.
Oh I almost forgot about the  communication with Virgin. That was the horror for me because I hardly spoke any English back then. David Bishop and I talked English and German mixed, which worked surprisingly well.
Market WAR
2023-03-20 16:48:40
The Tandy Color Computer was the runner up. The Apple II was the winner in the category of home computer over $500, which was the category the Commodore 64 was in when it was first released at the price of $595.
n the United States, the greatest competitors were the Atari 8-bit 400, the Atari 800, and the Apple II. The Atari 400 and 800 had been designed to accommodate previously stringent FCC emissions requirements and so were expensive to manufacture. Though similar in specifications, the C64 and Apple II represented differing design philosophies; as an open architecture system, upgrade capability for the Apple II was granted by internal expansion slots, whereas the C64's comparatively closed architecture had only a single external ROM cartridge port for bus expansion.
Aggressive pricing of the C64 is considered to have been a major catalyst in the video game crash of 1983.
The price war with Texas Instruments was seen as a personal battle for Commodore president Jack Tramiel.[25] Commodore dropped the C64's list price by $200 within two months of its release.[6] I
Meanwhile, TI lost money by selling the TI-99/4A for $99.[26] TI's subsequent demise in the home computer industry in October 1983 was seen as revenge for TI's tactics in the electronic calculator market in the mid-1970s, when Commodore was almost bankrupted by TI.[27]
Although many early C64 games were inferior Atari 8-bit ports, by late 1983, the growing installed base caused developers to create new software with better graphics and sound.[34]
2023-05-07 09:21:37
Tracker were software - used especially on the Amiga. The most of the music was created in this type of music software. And the people behind the swiss games of the 80ies/90ies even created a tracker and the possibility to use the same framework also in games. 
2022-04-14 12:44:14
Tapes comes from the mainframe tapes and were popularised by music too. so often people used normal tapes-drives and for a zx81-games - there were even description how you had to connect the microphone-cable to the head-phone-jack and reverse. While loadibg a zx-81 game you hear the whole time the data coming in! so meta: sound was for people and maschines.analog digital. So there was no difference between an accoustic coppler and data from the tape. 
2022-04-17 22:36:48
Fantasy computers are computer that are ‘inspired’ by real computers. Means their name sound like ZX81 > Tic80 but of course they are fast, programmable with lua and in the most of the cases have all integrated: spriteeditor, tile/background-editor, soundeffects editor and music editor. So they are really the dream of an 8bit-coder* with assembler, low memory, low graphics, no tools. 
STOS ...
2023-12-01 11:44:30
Basic for creating games. 
KPT-TOOLS (Plugin)
2024-08-04 16:47:26
Variation: Computer
Selection and Updating: Designer
Aller Marktferne zum Trotz – auch diese Jugendbewegung hat eine Pionierfunktion übernommen. Sie hat den Marketingexperten und Eventmanagern – und nicht zuletzt den Verkehrsbetrieben – gezeigt, wo überall Spots sind, die vermietet werden können. Eine Stadt ist bunt ist daher auch der Blick zurück auf eine Stadt, die es heute nicht mehr gibt – die noch weitgehend unvermarktete Metropole, in der noch nicht jeder Stromkasten, jede Brandmauer, jede Unterführung, jeder Bus und jede S-Bahn zur Werbefläche geworden ist. Wer sich in den Neunzigern noch über die Schmierereien geärgert hat, denkt heute vielleicht mit sentimentalen Gefühlen zurück an die Zeit, als das Bunte in der Stadt noch aus Sprühdosen kam.
GameArt like other digital media art is distinguished by a technologically induced ephemerality as well as by a decentralised and therefore difficult longterm availability. More complicating, GameArt differentiates even further and orientiates itself towards earlier lines of game culture like play in backyards, malls and high streets. There is a wide range for designing, playing, and experi- encing GameArt that expands all the way back to a mode of playful experience and action. How can this wide range and depth of themes, interactive playing time, and game mechanisms possibly be archived and made accessible?
Archiving for a society with an open end, in other words a „ludic“ society, has to be determined by an open possibility of observing artistic instruments being developed in order to expand it fur- ther or contextualize it in a new way. The suggestion is to try to build an open and playful archive that includes involved parties and works (from a „knocked down“ curbstone pixel to a player) as well as bystanders (spectators) in a comprehensive setting. While there seem to be long known instances of recipients through whom art works only have been able to unfold their meaning (in play), artists with their possible intentions and, finally, the functional systems of society like sci- ence have to be included first. These instances would only be the first traces and layers among many in an open archive. Subsequently a new „philosophy of archiving“ will be drafted that origi- nates in specific phenomenons and questions of GameArt.
These emerging levels and models describe diverse and partly disagreeing strategies of GameArt. The works span from the game as a medium of artistic discourse to the outright subver- sive criticism of a pronounced „ludic“ society. Therefore a „Mille-Plateaux“-archive is at the same time the base we are standing on and the future we are developing (as a tool).
There is a large base of videogame fans and developers working on emulating old games to ever new platforms. While this guarantees the transfer of knowledge and accessibility for games, there is nothing comparable for electronic literature. The community is too small, does not include many tech-experts, and even browser-based projects of five years are no longer working. A steady in- crease in interactive, collaborative and dynamic elements in new projects of electronic literature is at the core of the problems of archiving. This article discusses the impacts of digital writing on creative works and assesses the situation for German electronic literature and e-poetry in terms of its problems, possibilities and perspectives of archivability. It sorts the projects in easily represent- able works, works that need adapting or emulating and projects that are very difficult to archive in their original form. In doing so it outlines the necessary steps to make electronic literature from past and present accessible for future users. __________________________________
History of WOG
2022-07-04 18:11:17
1994 kam nicht nur die PlayStation in Japan auf den Markt, auch World of Games wurde am 1. August 1994 von Michael Wyler und Thomas von Arx in der Wohnung der Mutter von Michael und Christian Wyler gegründet. Somit nahm eine Erfolgsgeschichte ihren Anfang... 
Damals steckte die gesamte Spielebranche in der Schweiz buchstäblich noch in den Kinderschuhen. So hatten auch die Produkte noch den Ruf von "Kinderspielzeug" und wurden nur von Gamern, Nerds und Kindern wahrgenommen. Dennoch nahmen sich Michael Wyler und Thomas von Arx der Herausforderung an, ihr Hobby zum Beruf zu machen. Eine Menge Arbeit stand an und liess die lieb gewonnene Freizeitbeschäftigung entsprechend in den Hintergrund rücken. Der Versand von Videospielen musste mit wenig Manpower gegründet und bekannt gemacht werden.
In den folgenden Jahren wuchs die gesamte Industrie und World of Games profitierte entsprechend davon. Geschickt passte sich das Team den Gegebenheiten perfekt an. So war 1997 der Entscheid, nicht nur ein Ladenlokal zu eröffnen, sondern auch das Internetportal zu etablieren, sicher der richtige. Von diesem Zeitpunkt an konnte sich die immer grösser werdende, treue Kundschaft Video-, Brett- und Kartenspiele sowie ersten DVDs bequem von zu Hause aus bestellen, die bereits am nächsten Tag per Post geliefert wurden. 
Zum neuen Jahrtausend kam eine neue Konsolengeneration auf den Markt. Dies war auch der Zeitpunkt zu dem Claudia und Christian Wyler zum WoG-Team stiessen. Der Siegeszug des Mediums war nicht mehr aufzuhalten. Die erfolgreiche PlayStation 2 war vermutlich auch nicht ganz unschuldig, dass die DVD, die von Sony geschickt in die Konsole integriert wurde, der die in Jahre gekommen VHS-Kassette den endgültigen Todesstoss versetzte. 
Die immer grösseren Budgets der Entwickler wirkten sich zusätzlich positiv auf die Spielindustrie aus und liessen Spiele entstehen, die sich immer mehr mit teuren Hollywood-Blockbustern messen konnten. Spiele wurden erwachsen und mit ihnen auch die Spieler. World of Games überstand ebenfalls die Pubertät.
Dank einerseits Mund-zu-Mund-Propaganda, andererseits dem beliebten Internetportal sowie der Fachkenntnisse der Involvierten wuchs die Anzahl Mitarbeitender stetig an. Die Geschäftsräume mussten etliche Male erweitert oder gar gewechselt werden, um der wachsenden Nachfrage gerecht zu werden. Mit knapp 40 Angestellten hat WoG heute Dimensionen erreicht, von denen die beiden Gründer kaum zu träumen wagten!
Früher reichte eine kleine Ecke mit einem Tischchen zum Versenden der Ware aus. Heute stehen vier grosse Packtische bereit, um die vielen Pakete rechtzeitig versandbereit zu machen. Zu Beginn diente ein einfaches Regal als Lager. Heute kaum vorstellbar, denn WoG könnte in diesem Punkt nahezu mit einem schwedischen Möbelgiganten mithalten.
Was einst nur in Kinderzimmern zu finden war, hat den Weg in jede gute Stube gefunden. Schon längst vermögen es die Konsolen von Sony und Microsoft mehr als nur mit Games zu unterhalten. Die neueren Modelle sind inzwischen regelrechte Multimedia-Player. Internet, Blu-ray, Full-HD, Media-Player, Bewegungssteuerung, Digital- und Online-Gaming: all das steht für die Evolution der Videospielkonsolen.
WoG hat sich ebenso weiterentwickelt. Im Gleichzug mit den Konsolen wurde auch das Sortiment immer multimedialer. Zu dem erweiterten Spielwarensortiment haben sich Bücher dazugesellt. Das rund um die Uhr verfügbare Angebot von digitalen Games lässt World of Games in Zeiten von Streaming und Downloads nicht alt aussehen. 
2019 war es soweit: Das Ladengeschäft konnte ebenfalls die Strassenseite wechseln und neu in Unterentfelden auf der fünffachen Fläche Kundschaft empfangen. Auf dieser riesigen Spielwiese wurde Platz für die Neuzugänge im Sortiment geschaffen. Brettspiele, Figuren und weitere Spielwaren können ansprechend präsentiert werden. Auch Bücher, Comics und Mangas finden Raum im Laden und runden die Gestaltung optimal ab.
Die 27 Jahre vergingen wie im Flug – wir freuen uns auf viele weitere!
Content 1992
2023-02-05 00:28:57
- Sell, Promo, try out, meeting at  Jelmoli
- Nintendo Ship new concurrency
- Computergames
- digital violence discussion: Beispiel Cabal 
- LaserTagging
- War in Ex-Jugoslavia
- Virtual Reality (London)
Escape Copy-Party 1989
2023-02-14 11:44:43
Escape Copy-Party 1989 was held in at the Schützen Haus in Villmergen, Switzerland for the Amiga scene. About 120 people attended, and 10 demos were released. Escape helped organize another Swiss party, this time together with Spreadpoint, in october. Among the groups that visited this party were Double Density Crew, The Supervisors, Piranhas, Amitech, Clan, Space Coloss, Silver Hawks, Slime Byte, and many more. During or immediately after this party, Atrix and Senses merged into the new group Setrox.
Mentioned briefly in the news section of Cracker Journal 12 (january 1989), "Escape Copy-Party was on 28 29 January 1989 in Switzerland.". A party report followed in Cracker Journal 13 (march 1989).
there are two aspects came together in the universal computer. 
1. computing (sorting)
2. control (cases, if then, input)
before this were seperated functions in analoge maschines.
Weber, A. Christian
2023-02-14 09:24:41
vs. Muscian Weber, Christian
Development Process
2022-05-29 11:04:38
The game development process was splittet into different type of productions. Each part had its own tools like coding / assembler, images > paint tools and of course music with the trackers.
'I had created maybe around 30 demos and I wanted to create a game on the Amiga because I always like shoot'e 'up. It was a new challenge for me: I gathered a team of a few people, some of them ended up not staying very long: Marc Albinet, the graphic designer, who would work on other games later on, such as Agony, Frédéric Hahn (musician with Ackerlight), Pierre Adane (who worked on the copy-protection system and the endgame animation), and myself Olivier Régis (Metalwar), doing the cosing in terms of programming, there was nothing fancy. I just had to create some specific tools to piece up graphics piece-by-piece and to manage the dynamics of enemy motion. We then called Ubisoft to show them our Ilyad project. Marc Albinet and myself met one of the Guillermot briothers in Paris - they are the founders of Ubisoft. At that time, the firm was very small compared to what it is now, and the licensic fees we received, were really symbolic. They barely covered our travel expenses, but we did not do it for the money."
Cookie remenbers
2022-08-17 09:24:29
"Later we started developing a game called Immanis, and we already had dedicated tools for making parallax masks etc. The project was started on the Amiga and then continued on PC before being abandoned - this doesn't fit in the context of demos, however it was inspired by them." The Demoscene: The Aga years (2020:119)
2022-11-28 14:16:48
Amicom joined SPREADPOINT in 1989 together with Depeche. He was active as coder of very different things from MMU tools to demos. What he liked best was to explore and develop new programming tricks that could be used in demos and other places.
Born 1968, grown up and living in Switzerland.
Todays occupation: finishing studies (natural science), running an internet company togehter with other ex-amiga freaks.
Demos: Lissa, Platin3D, Small.
Intros: Giana Sisters (trained by Depeche), Amegas (trained by Depeche).
Utilities: Blitter-Copy, List Manager, MMU expert, AFS File Scrambler, SPlay soundtracker player.
Other stuff: Atom Demo (unfinished), Platon's Polyhedra (unfinished), revival of HQC demos, GigaMem (a virtual memory extension to AmigaDOS), some work in TypeSmith (a outline font editor).
Depeche Mode, Kraftwerk, Simple Minds, Billy Idol, Pink Floyd, Pet Shop Boys, OMD, ...
2022-04-13 10:25:54
GameDevs are gamedeveloppers. The name tells also a lot about the idea behind. The most important thing was the technical difficulties. 
Floppy discs
2022-04-14 12:42:16
Floppy disc or magnetic disc are faster and mor flexible than tapes. you can load and store autonom (no start and stop) and not linear, you can store them here or there. but of course also expensiver (you cant anymore use a (music) tapedrive.
My interest in man-machine communication was awakened while working on the PLATO project at the
University of Illinois, to which I owe many insights. The experimental systems XS-0 and XS-1 served as
test beds for evaluating the design techniques presented in this paper. I am indebted to my co-workers on
these projects, in particular to G. Beretta, H. Burkhart, P. Fink, B. Plattner, J. Stelovsky, H. Sugaya, A.
Ventura, and J.Weydert. This is a revised version of a paper presented at the 1982 International Zurich
Seminar on Digital Communications, MAN-MACHINE INTERACTION, March 9-11, 1982.
Die Digitalisierung ist ein schwieriger Transformationsprozess, der seit 40 Jahren andauert und gegen den sich grosse Teile der Gesellschaft lange Jahre (zum Teil zu Recht) gewehrt haben. Letztlich geht es um die tiefgreifende Ablösung der auf Menschen-prozessierten-Medien zu auf Computern-prozessierten-Medien, die dann wiederum vom Menschen bedient, genutzt werden. Und selbstverständlich viele neue Anwendungen möglich machen. Die Corona-Pandemie hat nun die letzten Zweifler* zumindest zu Nutzern* gemacht.
Vom Auf-Menschen zu auf Computer-Laufende-Medien
Die Digitalisierung ist letztlich die Digitalisierung des Menschen zur Turing Maschine / Universalmaschine, einem einfachen Buchhalter mit Stift und Papier. Es ist die Kybernetik der 30 Jahre in der Realität, unserer Realität. Es geht um automatisch prozessierte Regelsysteme, die das erst möglich machen. Die Ausstellung zeigt in ihrem Ausgestellten ethnologisch und ethnografisch, was die Digitalisierung so erfolgreich gemacht hat, die Technologie dahinter ist anscheinend verschwunden. Sie ist im Hintergrund, im Handy, im Server (Server?) und ist damit handhabbar geworden. Nun ist sie durchsetzbar, weil sie niedlich und nett ist, was sie nie war. Die Digitalisierung wird zum Oberflächenphänomen und eine Ausstellung zum digitalen Planet schafft es, daran kleben zu bleiben. Ihr fehlt das digitale Herz! Sie ist letztlich nur GUI (Was die Computertechnologie ab 1985 sehr erfolgreich machte und mit dem WWW explodieren liess).
Diese digitale Welt ist nur möglich, weil millionenfach Programme warten, endlos warten auf Eingaben oder weil sie endlos vor sich hinrechnen. Selbst ein banales Programm wie Excel wartet bis der da draussen – genannte – User* etwas tut. Computer, Computerprogramme sind unsere kleinen je eigenen Sklaven, Maschinchen mit weissen Handschuhen.
How we visualize the digitalisation? How we show, what is behind in a time when everything ist now behind and so small , not anymore touchable? A time when the shells and co are not anymore there for the end-user?
Power (Einfluss, Agency)
2023-04-04 08:41:24
Coding gives you power.
Everybody can have its own slave (LCP)!
no subversion
mostly after alien and paintbrush
  • most games - you play not act 
  • qix no
  • pac man - somehow but too hard
  • moon lander? no really
  • asteroids no
  • galaxy - some visual aspect - mukokuseki
  • missile command no 
  • atari 2600 porno games no
  • klax arcade - chain
  • frogger
  • most shootenup (space invader - war visuals) 
  • lemmings? dark behind the nice graphics
  • battle chess - reanalog - brutal
  • demoscene? biggest part - yes
Fantasy Consoles
2022-05-25 23:45:26
Consoles inspired by old consoles but 100% new. They are somehow like the dream of this days. All dev. thing in one tool (graphics, sound, tiles, coding, levelediting)
Tracker / Synthesizer
2022-05-21 14:03:36
It is clear, the fantasy consoles embed trackers into their software to create music. They construct the fantasy of the tools of those time. There were no trackers direct embedded in 8bit computers. Trackers really became popular as standalone programs on Amiga. 
2022-11-28 14:18:15
Demo coder, known for cool demos and trainers.
Depeche jonied Spreadponit in 1989. He mysteriously left SP in 1990 and broke up alomst all contact. He then went over to DefJam but not very much later stopped his Amiga activity. Depeche was so fond of language games that he once bought a Langenscheid's dictionary of slang-English!
Born 1972, grown up and living in Switzerland
Todays occupation: finishing studies (comp. sci)
Demos: Wooow, Scrapheap, Empire, Power!, HI5 and more
Trainers: a whole lot...
Sound: some crazy mixes
Tools: a disk copier in a bootblock, TLB-Utilitydisk, more
old days: being creative, being cool, speaking cool, cool places, cool clothes, cool people, arcade games, pinball machines
today: unknown.
DM, Art of Noise, Erasure, Pet Shop Boys, Yello, LL cool J, Derek B, De la soul, ...