Playboy: You never lost sight of the reason for the job: to earn money so you could travel. 
Jobs: Atari had shipped a bunch of games to Europe and they had some engineering defects in them, and I figured out how to fix them, but it was necessary for somebody to go over there and actually do the fixing. I volunteered to go and asked to take a leave of absence when I was there. They let me do it. I ended up in Switzerland and moved from Zurich to New Delhi. I spent some time in India. 
Playboy: Where you shaved your head. 
Jobs: That's not quite the way it happened. I was walking around in the Himalayas and I stumbled onto this thing that turned out to be a religious festival. There was a baba, a holy man, who was the holy man of this particular festival, with his large group of followers. I could smell good food. I hadn't been fortunate enough to smell good food for a long time, so I wandered up to pay my respects and eat some lunch. For some reason, this baba, upon seeing me sitting there eating, immediately walked over to me and sat down and burst out laughing. He didn't speak much English and I
Question: “What do you think about IBM”
Jobs: “We are ok. They licencsed our NExT-Software”
Listing Cultures
2023-02-10 08:58:30
The listing culture is a hybrid between gutenberg galaxis and software. Software was often distributed in the mainframe time as source code ( c ). each system had a different set of hardware, processor. c and co were the platform. You could compile it for your system. 

The listing culture brought source code to the magazines and could be published. first with basic and co for homecomputers, later with checksums, than basic with assembler inlines, than only shortcodes. 
of course by typing in you could learn how to code and solve problems.
Amicom of Spreadpoint has been interviewed by Com and Orlando of Brainstorm at the Escpape and Spreadpoint copy party on Oktober 7th. 

When did you join Spreadpoint ? 
-A month ago. 

Your task in Spreadpoint ? 
-Coder, but in Spreadpoint everybody can do what he wants to. 

For how long have you been programming on the Amiga ? 
-For 2 years. 
What computers did you work on before? 
-Spectrum, Sinclair QL. I did some graphic programming with BASIC. 

What did you program on the Amiga? 
-A 3D-Demo (Summer of 88 for TLB), various intros and copiers for cracked games, Powerutility (sold it), a level editor for a shoot'em up, AMICOM-Kickstart (Antivirus, Copier etc.) 

What are you doing at the time ? 
-I'm working on Demo, called ATOM-demo. 
What's this about ? 
-Colored, shaded, permeating(!) 3D-Objects. 

Your future projects ? 
-3D vectorgrafics, 3D editor (ev. sell it), copier with multitasking capility, various utilities. 

What hardware do you have ? 
-An Amiga 1000  (1.5Mb, Harddisk 20 Mega SCSI), And an Amiga 2000 (A2620 Unix card, 68020 processor, 68881 math. coprocessor, 68851 Memory Management Unit, harddisk 80 MB SCSI, Modem 2400 Baud) 
Tell us something about your Master Seka. 
-It's based on the Seka V3.0 by Kefrens/Promax. It has been reassembled  and revised by my collegue Buddha. 
The main advantages are: 
Better editor commands, a finally working optimize function, auto runback, the workspace can be changed without exitting the Seka. 

Is there anything you want to advise to Amiga coders ? 
-Unfortunetly, there are more and more good programs, recently, which run only on one special Amiga. So I advise to try out the programs on different Amigas and to avoid unproper coding (absolute addresses, selfmodifing code, DBF-waiting-loops running to fast on the 68020.) 
And I hate programs, which you only can exit by a reset! 

Thank you for your answers. 

     Translated by The Acc{sed/BRS
Hattest du mal einen Plan, daß das zu etwas Größerem wird, daß du in größeren Teams arbeitest oder für Firmen Spiele entwickelst? Eigentlich nicht. Einmal, das war 1987 – da bekam ich einen Anruf aus der Schweiz, Firma Linel … keine Ahnung, ob’s die noch gibt. Die hatten eine Softwarefirma gegründet und hatten mich gefragt, ob ich nicht Lust hätte, mal ein Spiel für sie zu schreiben. Sie würden das vermarkten. Ja, irgendwo will man die Chance nutzen – das habe ich dann auch gemacht, auch auf dem C64. Das war ein bißchen aufwendiger – das Ganze war im Assembler geschrieben, nicht nur in Basic. Bei den anderen Spielen – beim ersten noch nicht, aber danach – waren immer so kleine Assembler-Routinen dabei, damit das Spiel ein bißchen flüssiger lief. Heutzutage programmiert keiner mehr so, weil es viel zu kompliziert wäre für die Maschinen, die es jetzt gibt. Damals war das noch recht übersichtlich – du hast einen Prozessor, und den konnte man schön programmieren. Das war recht einfach und primitiv mit den Maschinen damals. Das habe ich also komplett in Assembler geschrieben, ein Titelbild dazu gemalt – sehr aufwendig, wochenlange Arbeit, und es ist eigentlich nichts dabei herausgekommen. Das war eigentlich das einzige Spiel, das nie veröffentlicht wurde. MAZE PATROL hieß das, kennt kein Mensch … das war sicherlich eines von den aufwendigsten. Das war eine Enttäuschung. Das war auch das einzige, was ich für diese Firma gemacht habe. Nachdem es nie veröffentlicht wurde und ich es auch nie ins Netz gestellt habe, überlege ich mal, wo ich das jetzt finde …
2023-04-16 13:19:38

Our President, Paul Schaerer

As Our President since 1993 he tries to keep the club running. He also tries to "fill" the club-MAGA 
He was born at 1st of April 1954 and is an educated radio-tv technician. 1978 he startet working for IBM and acts as a Hardware Level2 supporter since January 1997 in still the same company. 
Even if he works with "real PCs", he loves MSX. He is a hardwareman and You can see it because he developped a lot of Hardwarestuff. 
->Slotexpander, Modeltrain-controlling and some other hardware. 
His e-mail address:

Our Vice-President, Peter Burkhard

This man is the driven force of SUNRISE SWISS and so also the driving force to developp all the excellent projects released by SUNRISE SWISS. In his professional live he is a salesman who sells courtains. 
During his small free time he likes to play games with MSX and Playstation. He is the guy who everytime finds new software like games, demos and sounds in all over the world. He also holds contact with all MSXers all over the world. To do this, a thing not from MSX is very helpfull to him; INTERNET. 
His e-mail address:
picture of Vice-President
picture of Cashier

Our Cashier, Hans Juergen Rechsteiner

One of the most important jobs in a club is the cashiers job. This is not only his job for the club, but it is also a big part of his daily business. He is the branch manager in a large chain store with stores all over Switzerland.
As an MSX computer-hobbyist, he mostly tries to make titles for his own movies. He also likes it to developp own sounds with his music-module. Another thing he loves is to make bar-b-queues. How all the other things, he also does this nearly perfect. 
His e-mail address:

Our Secretary, Hans Langenauer

His job in our club is, to write everything about our monthly meetings. This is not an easy, but a very intresting job. He also writes all the paperstuff for the club. In his professional live he is a government official in a village near St. Gall. If he don't have to write articles for the MAGA, he loves it to make movies. On every ocassion, he is there with his camcorder. All this stuff, he is editing and cutting with his MSX. That's why he is waiting yearning for the announced digitizer which should be released soon from SUNRISE SWISS. 
Sorry, but he don't have an e-mail. Phone: xx41 x71 385 85 72
picture of Aktuar
picture of Beisitzer

Our Assistant, Marcel Truetsch

As Our Assistant, he is mostly responsible for the editing of the club-MAGA. He is an educated postman and he loves not even MSX but also interneting and gameconsoles. He everytime knows the newest news about Internet helps, and games.
He also is a member of the legendary SUNRISE SWISS which developpes the finest stuff for MSX. He knows nearly everything about the news there and he acts as a kind of public relations manager. So, he seems to be the right hand of Peter Burkhard. 
His e-mail address:
2022-09-10 09:47:07
  • Snake
  • Music Programm
  • Question: Gaming at EPFL?
  • Answer: Learning Coding
  • Animation (Future of video?
  • Hand-Punchard System
  • Multimedia-Hardware
Interesting: The video game is the best thing/motivation to create something and it is complex. Games also as a driver for learning ‘computer’ and multimedia
2022-05-12 09:21:42
Amiga games database with information about every Amiga game ever released!
The Mega-Mighty Swiss Cracking Association is the leading Swiss C=64 and Amiga group. SCA was founded in 1983.
Viele Blogs und Magazine haben zudem angefangen die alten Spiele wieder zu besprechen und hervorzuholen. Damit wurde natürlich auch ein Teil ihrer Kundschaft (die Spielercommunity ist ja mitälter geworden) zu bedienen. Als eines der letzten Phänomene kamen auch die Let’s plays alter Spiele hinzu. “The jumps are almost pixelperfect”. Grosskonzerne wie Nintendo haben auch angefangen ihre damaligen Spiele nicht nur als neue Hardware aufzulegen sondern sie zu aktualisieren und so kommen nun neu Versionen von Zelda heraus, die sich an die damaligen Ideen anlehnen. In der letzten Welle findet nun eine zunehmende Wiedereingliederung der damaligen Entwickler, sowie der Versuch einer wissenschaftlichen Aufarbeitung statt. Immer mehr werden die Spiele auch aufgenommen in die Spielgeschichte verschiedener Universitäten und sind teilweise Prüfungsstoff geworden (ZHAW .-) Je länger die Zeit der Homecomputerspiele zurückliegt, umso mehr muss heute auch erklärt werden. Als Beispiel das Interview mit Roman Werner. 2019
// ich habe diesen text nur geschrieben, um ein bisschen rauszuarbeiten, was alles für themen da drin liegen
das letzte ist natürlich unsere studie .-)

..ich hab'zu Hause selbst 'nen Mac

Im Gegensatz zu GudrunLandgrebe (»Mit Computernkenne ich mich gar nichtaus) sind für Hauptdarsteller Peter Sattmann Computerund Happy-Computer nichts Unbekanntes. 
Er gab uns be-reitwillig auf dem Weg voneinem Drehort zum anderenAuskunft.
Sie spielen bei »Bastard®den Computer-Freak. Sie sehen nicht aus, wie ein typischer Computerfreak. SindSie einer?
P. Sattmann: Nein, sicher binich kein Computer-Freak. Andererseits habe ich zuHause einen Apple Macintosh, auf dem ich überwiegend Musik mache. Ein Computer kann schon ein paartolle Dinge.
Wie sind Sie mit der Rolleund dem »Partner Compu-ter zurechtgekommen?
P. Sattmann: Es war teilwei-se schon etwas ungewöhn-lich, an so einer Kiste zu spielen. 
Aber am Ende ging eshervorragend.
Das Interview mit Peter Sattmann führte unsere Mitarbeiterin Rita Gietl
Happy Computer, Ausgabe 7/Juli 1988
War Heli (Atari ST)
2022-07-08 11:36:10
War Heli is a state of the art shoot em up game with big sprites on a computer with no hardware-scrolling!
There are several things coming from the cracking/demo scenes like the background over the area of the 320x240 pixels. The scroll text and and and. Perhaps also the backscrolling after finishing the levels.
A lot of questions for the makers and an interview.
Alexander Hahn
2022-07-08 11:09:19
electronic media artist
Aus Wikipedia über Hofstettler: 
Kreml von 1986 (englische Version Kremlin, herausgegeben von Avalon Hill, Träger eines „Origins Award“ 1988) ist eine Parodie der sowjetischen Politik. Dieses Gesellschaftsspiel lässt sich nicht im klassischen Sinn in die gängigen Spielarten einordnen, da ihm sowohl ein Spielbrett wie auch Spielkarten im herkömmlichen Sinn fehlen. Die Spieler spielen die Rolle grauer Eminenzen, welche hinter Kandidaten stehen, die um Ministerposten bis hinauf zum Amt des Staats- und Parteichefs kämpfen. Nimmt ein Spieler dabei mehr als nötig Einfluss auf das Spielgeschehen, so verrät er seine „Beziehungen“ und macht sich dadurch angreifbar. Kreml stellt insofern ein Kuriosum dar, als man durch weitestgehende Passivität und Unauffälligkeit beste Gewinnchancen wahren kann. Der Spielverlauf nimmt dabei immer wieder überraschende Wendungen.
2022-12-06 08:34:22
» How did you spread the word about the language (if you did), and how widely was it used?
Mostly by announcing it on usenet. That had a tight-knit community of Amiga programmers that was easy to reach. Then on Fish disks and Aminet as well. At some point, print magazines started to cover it with courses etc, and I got invited to speak at conferences about it.
It got fairly popular, to the point where at some point a popularity poll was held somewhere on the internets, and E came in second after C/C , but before Pascal and Basic. Probably a biased sample, but still :)
2022-12-06 08:35:46
» Do you remember your intentions when you set out to design FALSE?
Yes, initially my only goal was to try and make a “useful” language in as small an implementation as possible. I’ve always been obsessed with small/simple/fast (still am), and for me this was a fun diversion from the relative complexity of the E compiler.
I knew the language had to be based on Forth, as there’s no other language that has such simple parsing (it is mostly just a sequence of operations, little structure) and execution model (each operation simply takes from / adds to the stack).
2022-12-06 08:36:27
» Why did you pick the odd syntax?
To keep it simple to parse, I knew that each operation had to be a single character. Then it dawned on me just how unreadable this language would become, and it was at that point that I thought it would be fun to use more obscure symbols to make it crazy looking on purpose. The idea that you could have a collection of random-looking symbols, and that it would actually be useful, and implemented using such a small compiler got me excited :)
» FALSE influenced early esolangs like brainfuck and Befunge, which went on to inspire more, setting off the esolang movement. Did you have much interaction with esolangers (either during the Amiga era – not that they were called esolangers then – or more recently)?
Back then yes. Me and Chris Pressey would email a lot, with him showing me his latest creations (I mostly went back to “serious” language design after FALSE :). There was also quite a bit of community around FALSE, with people making implementations in other languages/systems, or make dialects etc. There was actually quite a few people that made “useful” programs in FALSE
Hah, I might not be the best to explain Amiga history, but I’ll do my best :) Fish disks were the main way to distribute public domain, open source, shareware etc. before the internet was wide-spread. People would send Fred Fish software, and he’d compile them into individual disks that people would copy. Magazines would have lots of companies that would allow you to order copies of these disks etc. He ended up creating over a 1000 disks this way. When cd-roms became a thing, you could order the whole collection on those. Those were strange times :)
Aminet was the most famous ftp-archive for amiga software. It was run by the same guy that made Brainfuck, Urban Müller. Rather than chronologically like fish disks, it was organized by topic, with readme’s for every file. You could upload to a staging area, and he’d put them in place. Much like fish disks, companies would print cd-roms with the latest from aminet for those not hooked up to the internets (or on 56k modems, which was most people).
2023-05-28 13:51:51
More complex > More help