Swiss Game Design
2022-06-25 19:17:32
The swiss gamedesign was influenced and even founded by the cracker scene coming from the C64 to Amiga and the other tree was the Atari ST. Around 25 own Games and Ports were created and published from 1985-1997. There was even an own publisher Linel. 
vecZ (Vectrex)
2022-06-25 01:20:29
at the end the vectors won. everything is now vector based in games (as an opengl or directx scene .-) more about this in the simple demo sinZ on pouet last year. therefore step back, step into the beginning 80ies with assembler and the vector console vectrex. and of course vecZ is a shootemup the most complicated (timing, a lot of action etc.) thing in those times.
2022-05-12 09:21:16
Nach der ersten Welle der Verachtung dieser PixelGrafik-Homecomputer entstand mit dem Aufkommen der Indiespiele eine Renaissance der Homecomputerszene und zwar auf mehreren Ebenen: Die Demoscene entdeckte - nachdem auf PCs keine Grenzen mehr da waren - die kleinen restriktiven Homecomputer wieder und ist bis heute bestandteil der Demoscene [Recherche erste Amiga-Contests]. Es entstand eine Homebrew Szene für fast alle Consolen/Computer [Übergang, Wann entstanden?] und vermutlich der wichtigste Antrieb die Indiegamescene.
Die Indiegamescene um die 2000er Jahre fing nun an explizit sich an die Pixelgrafiken etwa der Konsolen zu orientieren. Sei dies aus Reflexion, Kindheitserinnerungen oder einfach, weil die Pixelgrafiken einfacher herzustellen waren. Dabei spielt natürlich auch eine Rolle, dass zunehmend über Plattformen wie Ebay nun nicht mehr lokal Consolen/Computer gekauft werden mussten. Parallel dazu entstanden auch immer mehr Retromessen bzw. Waren Verkaufsstände für Retro Teil von grossen Conventions und Game-/Spielemessen. Die Gesellschaft entdeckte die Geschichte der Gamekultur. Die Entwickler selber fingen auch zunehmend an ihre Arbeit zu dokumentieren und zu veröffentlichen (siehe sca, siehe roman werner, siehe christian haller). Haller Durch die verschiedenen Game-Festivals kam auch vermehrt zur erneuten Auseinandersetzung mit dieser ersten Welle von Computergames. Ein Beispiel dafür wäre sicherlich das gameZfestival 2013. Und begannen teilweise auch ihre Spiele auf dem iPhone wieder herauszubringen (insanity wars). Einige sind weiterhin in Communities unterwegs, die die alten Praktiken wieder neu auflegen. [Roman Werner, Listings, C64 Spiele]
The CFA was founded in 1987 in Basel, Switzerland, when 3-letter names were still in fashion. CFA stood for “Computer Freaks Association”. In the first months the CFA was a group of C64 fans and gaming tournaments were held in regular intervals. They organised a gaming room at a local School-Party of the RG in Basel.

The CFA started with pure Demo-Making and Software-Swapping. The first international contact was the Norwegian group The Sinister Realm 2013 Stavanger. One of the early meeting places was the Dial-Club, a local Computer-Center in Basel.
At this time a regular Exchange-Ring of Software between the members was built up.
The first Copy-Party visited by CFA members was Crazy & ZSS Party 1988 in Pratteln/Switzerland. In 1989 Members of the group was busted by police on a German Copy-Party, but thanks to slow Swiss legislation, no CFA member had any troubles at all after returning to Switzerland.
The CFA took part in Demo-Contests of other Swiss copy parties: Crazy & RCS Party 1989, Crazy Stardom Copy-Party 1989 and Fresh Party 1990

In the early days, our strategy was: focus on Switzerland. This changed with the first member expansion outside of Basel: 
German members: Snief and The Cure.
Liechtenstein members: Sandman.

War against another Swiss group Fresh, which led to a funny anti demo Fresh on Top. The war was officially ended at the Swiss Pirates Reunion 2002. (nowadays there are many friendship boundaries between the former 2 opponents).

The CFA has in the meantime started importing and cracking games: access to the major US BBS, latest wares and cards agogo. 

1990-1991 Cooperation with Italian Cracking Service from Italy.

11/1989-07/1993 reknown Disk Mag “Immortal Flash” an e-zine that become quite popular in the scene (later released by Atlantis).

In 02/1991 the CFA died and the remaining members built up Atlantis. More info in Joker Note.
2023-09-15 10:01:32
Last active c64 Swiss based group!!!

When the Computer Freaks Association died, most of the remaining active members started a new group called Atlantis. Immortal Flash was then released for Atlantis as well.

Between 09.11.2013 and 24.07.2016 in Co-op with Fantastic 4 Cracking Group.

In 2018-2020 ATL worked on Propaganda First Release List and some cracks together with Genesis Project.
The story behind
2022-04-14 14:55:17
r and c discussed if a bootsector virus is possible (in 512 bytes). than c went home and coded in2 days one, gave a infected disc to r with software. legend: from this disc all sca viruses shall come from.
story was told in a discussion around 2013 by c.