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The listing culture is a hybrid between gutenberg galaxis and software. Software was often distributed in the mainframe time as source code ( c ). each system had a different set of hardware, processor. c and co were the platform. You could compile it for your system.
The listing culture brought source code to the magazines and could be published. first with basic and co for homecomputers, later with checksums, than basic with assembler inlines, than only shortcodes.
of course by typing in you could learn how to code and solve problems.
The listing culture is a hybrid between gutenberg galaxis and software. Software was often distributed in the mainframe time as source code ( c ). each system had a different set of hardware, processor. c and co were the platform. You could compile it for your system.
The listing culture brought source code to the magazines and could be published. first with basic and co for homecomputers, later with checksums, than basic with assembler inlines, than only shortcodes.
of course by typing in you could learn how to code and solve problems.
Cave-Flight ZX-81 (Homecomputer) 1985
Jagdszene Chicago - Listing - Christoph Cronimund (Texas Instrument) 1985
Muri (Breakout) CPC 400 1987
learn coding
homecomputer 8bit
homecomputer 16-bit 1985+
computer magazines had often a coding part
Listing Cultures
Interview: Ronald Mayer über seine C64-Listinggames
Listing Cultures
Stefan Höltgen
ist schon wahnsinn beim genauen hinsehen, wieviel platz listingkultur als lern- und verbreitungscontent inne hatte. dabei wurde fast alles auch per listing abgedeckt. ein medium zwischen gutenberg und turing maschine .-) https://vintagecomputing.ch/?bro