the digitalization we are talking about today is a 1950s movement and transformation around a great invention - the computer (universal machine). it has the same dimension and social changes as gutenberg's invention of printing, or at least it is a step further in the evolution of the gutenberg galaxy. This platform collects all artifacts, memories and social events around this transformation. it also deals with re-invention or the retro movement, i.e. what is inspired by old and obsolete technology amd computers and what happens when people invent new games on old machines (newvintagesoft, demake) - old style - computers/console as fantasy computers, fantasy consoles.
This is a start to collect data from vintage computing in Switzerland. It is a bottom up approach to collect and organize data. It is also a research for how to collect and store data.
The data/information can be stored as nodes. The nodes can be as a tree (hierachy) and/or rhizome.
This data is open for everyone who wants to also add his/her/its own data. Just create content. We will than try to bring it in an order.
The topics vintage computing and vintage gaming are of course intertwined.
First gaming is a part of the whole digitalisation. But before computer were in every household the consoles were there. The first funny digitalisation and alternative to the non existing tv-program (share the screen). And then the homecomputer in the private areas came ‘home’. So games became again software in the area of computing.
Subconscious of VintageComputing
New! Research Blog - Latest comments, notes and results.
Open directory, library - BETA
Vintage Computing & Vintage Computing (Retro)
Vintage, Retro and Fantasy - Computing & Gaming
Vintage - Vintage&Retro - RetroFantasy - Overview of terms
This platform has two areas: Vintage Computing and Vintage Gaming
Vintage computing
Gaming & GameDesign
Capitals (Bourdieu)
Art, GameArt & Experiment
Areas in Switzerland
Museums and collections
Memories - your home for memories
Memories - Do you have memories, fotos you wanna share?
All around the memory
Retro-Gaming & NewRetroGameDesign
NeoVintageHardwareGames - NewGamesWithOldTechnology NGWOTs
NewGamesOnOldMashine NGOOM - NeoVintageGames
Confederatio Ludens: Swiss History of Games, Play and Game Design 1968-2000
Persons in research
History concepts
About & Netiquette