Unser Motto "We share knowledge" war zur MUS-Gründung 1986 eher ein "We share costs".
Sammelbestellungen von Apple-Produkten aus den USA wurden organisiert und somit die Versandkosten für den Einzelnen gesenkt.
Speziell eine Gruppe von Studenten an der ETH, wo schon früh Apple Maschinen zum Einsatz kamen, war eine "Keimzelle" der MUS...
Hier benötigt die Autorin eure Mithilfe. Wer mehr weiss oder am Anfang mit dabei war, melde sich doch gerne beim MUS-Sekretariat!
OLIVER Being a pixel guy – the tools were remarkable. We did not have devkit like the Katakis tools or something specified for creating game graphics. I used the editor that came with the Shoot ‘Em Up Construction Kit for sprites, which turned out extremely practical. The Ronny-sprite was created with an C64 editor called Mob-Profi, which provided overlayed hires and multicolour-sprites. The pictures in the intro and end sequence were pixeled in Koala Painter with a joystick, but everything else was more like hacking. I edited the charset with a font editor. The level backgrounds were tile-based maps, so a friend of mine coded one tool for combining 2×2 chars to tiles including the colour – and a second tool for assembling the levelmap like a puzzle game. As setup I had a C128 and Amiga 500 side by side. By the way – there was a TV and a monitor connected to the C128 at the same time, because of the the different video quality and I wanted to be sure that the graphics  looked right on both display types. With our modern mouse or stylus driven tools and those workflow-trimmed programs it is hard to believe that we got things done at all back in the day when we were even lacking fundamentals such as UNDO functionality. However, I have to say that you had full control over the technical specs of the graphics and as a graphic designer you started to think like a coder.
Otherwise, I hardly remember details of the project. At least for the first month, Mario and I were working alongside each other. The intro and the end sequence were finished first. Then it was very intense and determined by crunchtime, the process was sort of first-in-first-out. The progress in code was tied to incoming graphics. Markus composed the new tunes at home far away and we had some issues with the delivery. Nevertheless the whole soundtrack reached us in time and its implementation went smoothly. Still there was no free time at all. In the final weeks weeks it became a kind of competition – like, who needs the least sleep! I also remember that the editing of the levels was pretty chaotic. Three of us worked in shifts and it took much longer than planned.
Oh I almost forgot about the  communication with Virgin. That was the horror for me because I hardly spoke any English back then. David Bishop and I talked English and German mixed, which worked surprisingly well.
2022-06-24 22:55:17
la1n was the direct next step from imp89. New maschines and a new platform macosx. “Therefore i learned objective-c and coded real object orientated” and switched now to 3d games with opengl. The games were now more an more like gameengines and were object-orientated. But still hardcore coded. This change with the upcoming game engine like torque or unity. 
Therefore the last games from till now were again hardcore coded games like axe (atari 2600 vcs), vecZ (vectrex 2016).
Aus Wikipedia über Hofstettler: 
Kreml von 1986 (englische Version Kremlin, herausgegeben von Avalon Hill, Träger eines „Origins Award“ 1988) ist eine Parodie der sowjetischen Politik. Dieses Gesellschaftsspiel lässt sich nicht im klassischen Sinn in die gängigen Spielarten einordnen, da ihm sowohl ein Spielbrett wie auch Spielkarten im herkömmlichen Sinn fehlen. Die Spieler spielen die Rolle grauer Eminenzen, welche hinter Kandidaten stehen, die um Ministerposten bis hinauf zum Amt des Staats- und Parteichefs kämpfen. Nimmt ein Spieler dabei mehr als nötig Einfluss auf das Spielgeschehen, so verrät er seine „Beziehungen“ und macht sich dadurch angreifbar. Kreml stellt insofern ein Kuriosum dar, als man durch weitestgehende Passivität und Unauffälligkeit beste Gewinnchancen wahren kann. Der Spielverlauf nimmt dabei immer wieder überraschende Wendungen.
2022-04-17 22:36:48
Fantasy computers are computer that are ‘inspired’ by real computers. Means their name sound like ZX81 > Tic80 but of course they are fast, programmable with lua and in the most of the cases have all integrated: spriteeditor, tile/background-editor, soundeffects editor and music editor. So they are really the dream of an 8bit-coder* with assembler, low memory, low graphics, no tools.
GameArt like other digital media art is distinguished by a technologically induced ephemerality as well as by a decentralised and therefore difficult longterm availability. More complicating, GameArt differentiates even further and orientiates itself towards earlier lines of game culture like play in backyards, malls and high streets. There is a wide range for designing, playing, and experi- encing GameArt that expands all the way back to a mode of playful experience and action. How can this wide range and depth of themes, interactive playing time, and game mechanisms possibly be archived and made accessible?
Archiving for a society with an open end, in other words a „ludic“ society, has to be determined by an open possibility of observing artistic instruments being developed in order to expand it fur- ther or contextualize it in a new way. The suggestion is to try to build an open and playful archive that includes involved parties and works (from a „knocked down“ curbstone pixel to a player) as well as bystanders (spectators) in a comprehensive setting. While there seem to be long known instances of recipients through whom art works only have been able to unfold their meaning (in play), artists with their possible intentions and, finally, the functional systems of society like sci- ence have to be included first. These instances would only be the first traces and layers among many in an open archive. Subsequently a new „philosophy of archiving“ will be drafted that origi- nates in specific phenomenons and questions of GameArt.
These emerging levels and models describe diverse and partly disagreeing strategies of GameArt. The works span from the game as a medium of artistic discourse to the outright subver- sive criticism of a pronounced „ludic“ society. Therefore a „Mille-Plateaux“-archive is at the same time the base we are standing on and the future we are developing (as a tool).
  • don't write specs. Users should consider themselves lucky to get any programs at all and take what they get.
  • don't comment their code. If it was hard to write, it should be hard to read.
  • don't write application programs, they pro- gram right down on the bare metal. Application programming is for feebs who can't do systems programming.
  • don't eat quiche. Real programmers don't even know how to spell quiche. They eat Twinkies, Coke and palate-scorching Szechwan food.
  • don't draw flowcharts. Flowcharts are, after all, the illiterate's form of documentation. Cavemen drew flowcharts; look how much it did for them.
  • don't read manuals. Reliance on a reference is a hallmark of the novice and the coward.
  • programs never work right the first time. But if you throw them on the machine they can be patched into working in only a few 30-hours debugging sessions.
  • don't use Fortran. Fortran is for wimpy engineers who wear white socks, pipe stress freaks, and crystallography weenies. They get excited over finite state analysis and nuclear reactor simulation.
  • don't use COBOL. COBOL is for wimpy application programmers.
  • never work 9 to 5. If any real programmers are around at 9 am, it's because they were up all night.
  • don't write in BASIC. Actually, no programmers write in BASIC, after the age of 12.
  • don't document. Documentation is for simps who can't read the listings or the object deck.
  • don't write in Pascal, or Bliss, or Ada, or any of those pinko computer science languages. Strong typing is for people with weak memories.
  • know better than the users what they need.
  • think structured programming is a communist plot.
  • don't use schedules. Schedules are for manager's toadies. Real programmers like to keep their manager in suspense.
  • think better when playing adventure.
  • don't use PL/I. PL/I is for insecure momma's boys who can't choose between COBOL and Fortran.
  • don't use APL, unless the whole program can be written on one line.
  • don't use LISP. Only effeminate programmers use more parentheses than actual code.
  • disdain structured programming. Structured programming is for compulsive, prematurely toilet-trained neurotics who wear neckties and carefully line up sharpened pencils on an otherwise uncluttered desk.
  • don't like the team programming concept. Unless, of course, they are the Chief Programmer.
  • have no use for managers. Managers are a necessary evil. Managers are for dealing with personnel bozos, bean counters, senior planners and other mental defectives.
  • scorn floating point arithmetic. The decimal point was invented for pansy bedwetters who are unable to 'think big.'
  • don't drive clapped-out Mavericks. They prefer BMWs, Lincolns or pick-up trucks with floor shifts. Fast motorcycles are highly regarded.
  • don't believe in schedules. Planners make up schedules. Managers 'firm up' schedules. Frightened coders strive to meet schedules. Real programmers ignore schedules.
  • like vending machine popcorn. Coders pop it in the microwave oven. Real programmers use the heat given off by the cpu. They can tell what job is running just by listening to the rate of popping.
  • know every nuance of every instruction and use them all in every real program. Puppy architects won't allow execute instructions to address another execute as the target instruction. Real programmers despise such petty restrictions.
  • don't bring brown bag lunches to work. If the vending machine sells it, they eat it. If the vending machine doesn't sell it, they don't eat it. Vending machines don't sell quiche.
Games working with Products like Cracks, Games, Demos.
Mechanics: Faster, better in the most of the time groups against other groups for symbolic or community capital. 
Like Cracking, Demoscene
2022-04-14 14:10:31
1972: Demo Unix
> Science Fiction: When Harlie Was One  - "Computervirus" 

1975 Schockwellenreiter (Roman)
1979 AI im Netz (The Adolescence of P-1 Roman)
1980 Vergleich Bio - Computerprogramme
1983 AppleII Programm verbreitet sich > Elk Koner

Elk Cloner: The program with a personality
It will get on all your disks
It will infiltrate your chips
Yes, it's Cloner!
It will stick to you like glue
It will modify RAM too
Send in the Cloner!
1984 Theorie und Praxis > erster Demovirus
1986 erste Infektionen
1986 MS-DOS: Indien (free copy) >  Raubkopien > Virus dazu > Bindung an die eigene Software ... > effekt: umbenennung
1987 erster Mac Virus.,
1987 erste Amiga  Virus - SCA
Fantasy Consoles
2022-05-25 23:45:26
Consoles inspired by old consoles but 100% new. They are somehow like the dream of this days. All dev. thing in one tool (graphics, sound, tiles, coding, levelediting)
Giger H.R. (Swiss)
2023-03-28 11:38:31
Giger was an educated as an industrial designer. Afterwards he made art and after working with jodorowski on dune, he joined the aliens-team. He created the slick fast monster in ALIEN. he influenced with his style (developped before in paintings and sculptures) the whole scifi. And so he became also one of the most influencing artist for games like r-type and and and and and …
Very big club with 600 (?) members. There are all paying money.  A lot of people found here other persons with the same ideas and interests.
It seems that the name ist also Statement. In german spoken as KAK means shit.


Computerclub STAB, gegr. 1986, ca. 260 Mitlieder. Keine Mitgliedsbeiträge und Aufnahmegebühren. Leistungen: gelegentliche Kurse, Disketten zum Selbstkostenpreis, PD-Software. Kontaktadresse: STAB, J. Giroud, Solothurnstr. 69, CH-3322 Urtenen
Atari Computer Club Zürich, gegr. 1987. Mitgl.-Beitrag Azubis und Studenten 100 Franken jährlich, sonstige 150 Franken. Leistungen: Clubmagazin, PD-Software, Kurse. Kontaktadresse: ACC, Hansjürg Bürgler, Schüsselwies 13, CH-8636 Wald
DIAL-Computer-Club, gegr. 1984, 300 Mitglieder. Mitgl.-Beitrag Jugendliche 8 Franken monatlich, Erwachsene 11 Franken. Leistungen: Kurse. Kontaktadresse: DIAL-Computer-Club, Iwan Martin, Postfach 231, CH-4003 Basel
Aargauischer Computer Club, gegr. 1985, 400 Mitglieder. Mitgl.-Beitrag 80 Franken jährlich, Ermässigungen möglich. Leistungen: PD-Software, Kurse, Clubzeitschrift. Kontaktadresse: ACCB, Aargauischer Computer Club, CH-5200 Brugg
Verein Compix, gegr. 1988, 40 Mitglieder. Mitgl.-Beitrag 60 Franken jährlich. Leistungen: PD-Software, eigene Mail box. Kontaktadresse: Verein Compix, Roland Koller, Zähringerstr. 21, CH-6003 Luzern
Den Crackern ging es selbstverständlich auch darum, bekannt zu werden. Sie versuchten symbolisches Kapital anzuhäufen. Man kann ihre Motivation und ihre Aneignungsweise durchaus mit derjenigen der Graffiti-Sprayer jener Jahre vergleichen, die mittels “taggen” ihres Künstler- und Gruppen Namens auf leeren Flächen der Stadt versuchten, Aufmerksamkeit zu erreichen – zum Beispiel GEN im Zürich der 80er Jahre. Getting Fame oder Getting Up war die Losung.
Abbildung 13: GEN gehörte zur ersten Generation der Sprayer in Zürich, die ihren Künstlernamen überall in der Stadt verbreiteten und dafür simple Tags und nach und nach immer komplexere Formen nach dem Vorbild der New Yorker Subway Graffiti nutzten. GEN, auch Gen Atem (aka Genius), hatte sich schon 1984 mit der New York City Graffiti Legende Phase Two getroffen, in der Casablanca Galerie in Zürich. Die beiden Bilder wurden 1986 in Zürich Oerlikon aufgenommen. Fotos: Beat Suter.
Aus den anfänglichen kurzen Bemerkungen als Text wurden immer komplexere eigenständige Vorspänne – die sogenannten Intros. Hier zeigten die Crackers mit der Message ihres Namens, die nicht zuletzt als Botschaften an die Adresse anderer Cracker Gruppen dienten, ihr Ganzes Können. Dabei versuchten sie alles aus diesen Computern herauszuholen. Diese Intros waren eine Art Graffiti auf den blanken Oberflächen der Games jener Zeit. Die Intros unterstanden nicht den Gesetzmäßigkeiten des Game Designs. Die Spielmechaniken spielten keine Rolle und mussten nicht verändert werden. Es ging lediglich um die Titel- und Credit Sequenzen der Spiele. Es ging um einen visuellen Auftritt, der auffallen sollte. Die Intros mussten gut aussehen und einen Wow-Effekt haben. Mit dem Einbezug von Musik und Animation wurde es aber bald auch wichtig, spezielleres Wissen zu erarbeiten. Die Cracker Gruppen begannen Arbeitsteilung einzuführen mit Programmierern, Grafikern und Musikern.
Aus diesen Intros, die in bestehende Spiele eingefügt wurden, entstand später eine ganz eigene Szene, die Demoszene. Und so kommt es, dass sich im Umfeld der meisten Schweizer Cracker und frühen Game Devs auch immer Demos finden. Diese Szene ist noch immer aktiv und dokumentiert sich bis heute selbst. Man findet fast alles aus den letzten 40 Jahren auf der Website POUET (2000) sowie in spezialisierten Datenbanken. Einige der Entwickler updaten ihre virtuellen Echtzeit Welten bis heute aber auch direkt selbst.
Abbildung 14: Cracks und Demos aus den Jahren 1983 – 1988 werden archiviert und öffentlich zugänglich gemacht über die Website der Swiss Cracking Association SCA (2018).Abbildung 15: Aus dem Repertoire des Crackers Hcc: Solomon’s Key Cracktro, Atari ST (1987).
2022-11-28 14:03:03
Spreadpoint is an Amiga demo group, formed in 1986 by Marvin and (D-)Mike.
Amicom and Depeche joined the group in 1989. Swapper advert in Cracker Journal 16 (october 1989), listing an address in Bad Aibling, Germany.
They were coarrangers of the CeBit 1990 demoparty in march. Depeche left the group sometime this year.
With the march 1991 release Innovation Part Two, Psy announced he was rejoining Spreadpoint from Axxis. Grmblwrz (december 1991) mentioned, "We also welcome our new American members - Paninaro and Micro".
The october 1992 cracktro for Pinball Fantasies welcomed Ice Tea and The French Dewd to the group.
Upstream 1 (january 1993) reported that Cocaine joined Addonic from Spreadpoint & Amiga Industries along with his bbs Moria.
With support for multicolor sprites and a custom chip for waveform generation, the C64 could create superior visuals and audio compared to systems without such custom hardware.
The C64 dominated the low-end computer market (except in the UK and Japan, lasting only about six months in Japan[7]) for most of the later years of the 1980s.[8] For a substantial period (1983–1986), the C64 had between 30% and 40% share of the US market and two million units sold per year,
In the UK market, the C64 faced competition from the BBC Micro, the ZX Spectrum, and later the Amstrad CPC 464.[11] but the C64 was still the second most popular computer in the UK after the ZX Spectrum.[12] The Commodore 64 failed to make any impact in Japan. The Japanese market was dominated by Japanese computers, such as the NEC PC-8801, Sharp X1, Fujitsu FM-7, and MSX.[13]
Part of the Commodore 64's success was its sale in regular retail stores instead of only electronics or computer hobbyist specialty stores.
One computer gaming executive stated that the Nintendo Entertainment System's enormous popularity – seven million sold in 1988, almost as many as the number of C64s sold in its first five years – had stopped the C64's growth. Trip Hawkins reinforced that sentiment, stating that Nintendo was "the last hurrah of the 8-bit world".[57]
homecomputer 16-bit
2022-07-07 15:44:34
this computers came with an operating system, gui-based and mouse. basic was a prg to use (not anymore line based). there were some new styles of basics coming up like gfa-basic, omikron-basic (atari st). 
and the most games were coded in assembler (68000 was a god processor for assembler). so you had to buy assembler, which was not included. 
Archimedes 32bit RISC
2022-06-24 08:59:14
archimedes with its risc-processor was still an exception. you could code in basic games like ! virus. 
Shagan's accounting
2022-08-17 09:31:55
“Hornet died in the year 2000, after a heart attack. He was only 27 years old.”
“I'd like to take this opportunity to pay tribute to Alain Malek (Hornet) who left us far too soon. We'd launched ambitious projects together, like a game called Immanis, and we even intended to start a company together. Unfortunately, he left us only a few days after signing the notary to found the company.” Demoscene: The Aga years (2020:117)
Hah, I might not be the best to explain Amiga history, but I’ll do my best :) Fish disks were the main way to distribute public domain, open source, shareware etc. before the internet was wide-spread. People would send Fred Fish software, and he’d compile them into individual disks that people would copy. Magazines would have lots of companies that would allow you to order copies of these disks etc. He ended up creating over a 1000 disks this way. When cd-roms became a thing, you could order the whole collection on those. Those were strange times :)
Aminet was the most famous ftp-archive for amiga software. It was run by the same guy that made Brainfuck, Urban Müller. Rather than chronologically like fish disks, it was organized by topic, with readme’s for every file. You could upload to a staging area, and he’d put them in place. Much like fish disks, companies would print cd-roms with the latest from aminet for those not hooked up to the internets (or on 56k modems, which was most people).
Aminet was the most famous ftp-archive for amiga software. It was run by the same guy that made Brainfuck, Urban Müller. Rather than chronologically like fish disks, it was organized by topic, with readme’s for every file. You could upload to a staging area, and he’d put them in place. Much like fish disks, companies would print cd-roms with the latest from aminet for those not hooked up to the internets (or on 56k modems, which was most people).
2022-12-10 18:33:19
  • How were people working with plain canvas  like Deluxe paint / Degas elite (no layer like in photoshop?)
  • No undo function - what were the consequences
  • Difference between 16 - 32 Colors and more (Ham Mode?)
  • Pixeling vs painting (for example today?)
  • How the fill was used (when filling was fix)?
Vintage Gaming
2023-06-11 09:07:51
Of course in games and amusement arcades there is a lot of computing (calculating points, statemachines and co). All started with organs (punch strips) and electromechanical ‘games’ like pinballs. 
vecZ (Vectrex)
2022-06-25 01:20:29
at the end the vectors won. everything is now vector based in games (as an opengl or directx scene .-) more about this in the simple demo sinZ on pouet last year. therefore step back, step into the beginning 80ies with assembler and the vector console vectrex. and of course vecZ is a shootemup the most complicated (timing, a lot of action etc.) thing in those times.
2022-07-11 14:26:51
The bootsector allowed an automatic startup (vs tapes) of games like in consoles with cartridges (of course a lot of games came also out as cartridge for computers). Put it in and switch on computer and play. Of course the bootsectorviruses were a sideeffect of this innovation. 
2022-04-15 10:31:58
of course mainframe computing was only possible for universities, students or big companies. creating workstation like lilith or next were a middle thing between mainframe and personal computers. 
2022-06-14 07:33:52
Aspects like:
  • Seethings
  • Contacts
  • pictures
  • Videos
  • Areas
  • Team
  • ASPECT: Team 
  • - [coding] XYZ
  • - [graphician] XYZ   
  • ASPECT: Photos
  • - [photos:dev] yxcyxcv
  • - [photos:team] sadf 
2022-07-16 23:41:50
Cartridges were used in Consoles (Fairlight, Saba).
Cartridges were also used by Computers like MSX, Atari 400 etc.
First developing on Atari ST (Assembler) but never published something except a demo for a bbs 1993 (First founded by two brothers). First not released ‘product’. A listing game for Happy Computer. 
Than switched to Macintosh (1995 ). Games in C . And than published over the net (website) or in Maganzines Disc-Magazines as Shareware. Paid first with checkes (almost impossible to get the money for 15$ games), so switched to real money and than to a first worldwide payment service.
Inbetween the author worked produced Flash-Games for advertising and ported a lot of games for Java (Applets) 1996 . 
Afterwards switched to Objective-C on MacOSX with a new name: 
Swiss Game Design
2022-06-25 19:17:32
The swiss gamedesign was influenced and even founded by the cracker scene coming from the C64 to Amiga and the other tree was the Atari ST. Around 25 own Games and Ports were created and published from 1985-1997. There was even an own publisher Linel. 
2022-06-30 09:42:21
Computerclubs were a very important institution. 
0. Is a place and a community in the same and also a public in the same
1. Networking people in a non internet time.
2. Bringing KnowhHow to people (Courses)
3. Showing, Selling Hardware (Internally)
4. Own public magazines
5. Part of Creating Groups/interested people
6. Only available in bigger towns 
/ ()
/ ()
/ ()
2022-06-30 09:57:44
Reparatur abend
64 er Treff

Coding Basic
2022-06-11 14:48:47
Basic was one of the first coding possibilities in the 8bit and also the ‘OS’. the interface to the computer. The shells were ‘basic’.
LOAD “”",8,1
With the second generation of homecomputers. The linenumberless basic came up like GFA-Basic etc. This was a new step and brought basic on the level of Pascal and co. 
Listing Cultures
2023-02-10 08:58:30
The listing culture is a hybrid between gutenberg galaxis and software. Software was often distributed in the mainframe time as source code ( c ). each system had a different set of hardware, processor. c and co were the platform. You could compile it for your system. 

The listing culture brought source code to the magazines and could be published. first with basic and co for homecomputers, later with checksums, than basic with assembler inlines, than only shortcodes. 
of course by typing in you could learn how to code and solve problems.
2022-11-22 15:55:54
Homecomputer were attractive for:
  1. as Computers create staff
  2. as Consoles
  3. you could pirating easily software games included
  4. the 16-bit consoles had mouses and guis. easier to use.
Therefore a lot of console wanted to make out of the console a computer (like intellivision). And a lot of users also thinks that the videogame crash was also because a lot moved away from consoles to computers. 
The other possibility were Personal Computers. The ‘Homecomputer’ was more. It was not only a working station. Personal Computers were mostly monochrome (PC: CGA, EGA)
War Heli (Atari ST)
2022-07-08 11:36:10
War Heli is a state of the art shoot em up game with big sprites on a computer with no hardware-scrolling!
Made by crackers and a lot of anti-protection-mechanics. So a long time this game was not cracked.
Example: all tracks are not starting at the same place like normally - every track starts somewhere else. therfore they 
2022-05-21 14:24:19
Game description
Starbirds is a shoot'em up game in the style of old AMIGA shooters like R-Type, Apidya, Wings of Death and many others. The game play is simple: the player controls a space ship (called the Starbird) and tries to keep alive, which is best ensured by shooting as many enemies as possible.
Starbirds features four horizontally scrolling levels, each packed with a huge amount of enemies and guarded by an extra-large boss enemy with big shields and power. The levels are constructed in a way that there are a lot of turn-off's which allow the player to take another path each time.
A special feature of Starbirds is the weapon system, which was inspired by action games like Wings of Deathand Lethal Xcess. There are two categories of weapons, primary and secondary weapons. Each category consists of 8 different types of weapons, four of each category are selected by the player before entering the first level. The player can decide at every time if the approaching enemies should be attacked using the primary or secondary weapon. By repeated pressing of the fire button the primary weapon is fired, by holding down the button the secondary weapon is fired.
The currently active weapon can be changed by collecting weapon symbols, which are left behind from exploding enemies quite often. Blue symbols represent primary weapons, red symbols secondary weapons. Every weapon has five different powers. If a symbol is collected, which represents one of the currently active weapons, then its power increases by one. Therefore it is advantageous to collect the same symbol several times in order to get a weapon with high power. On the other hand, changing a weapon reduces the power by one, therefore too many changes without intermediate power-up quickly lead to a poorly armed space ship with little chance of survival.
The Starbird space ship does not survive hits with enemies, their shots or with the background. Fortunately the player has six space ships available and he can restart the game three times in the last visited level. The game supports four levels of difficulty, which can be selected in the main screen, before entering the first level. Finally the game can even be played by two players simultaneously.
2022-07-02 21:20:02
Antares is a classic role-playing game of the Bard's Tale variety set in a science-fiction scenario. After the radio contact with space explorers stopped, a second troop goes to look for them. Unfortunately on the way they receive a emergency call, get shot and have to land on the planet Kyrion. Now the troop has to explore the planet and find out more about what happened.

The party has six members (chosen from twelve pre-defined characters) with different statistics and abilities, e.g. fighting, cooking, PSI (the science-fiction variant of magic) or translating (needed to communicate with non-hostile species). The world and dungeons are explored through a first-person perspective and when meeting enemies, the fight plays out turn-based: the player tells the characters what to do and text informs of the results. Killing enemies reward experience points which in turn improve the abilities.

Each character has to eat and sleep. While too much hunger results in death, a sleeping character is in a kind of trance: he still walks around, but can't take any actions or fight. Besides sleeping, there is also medicine available to keep the spirits up: just like other parts of equipment, it can be bought in hidden shops with gold found at slain enemies. Each character can transport up to six items and a radar shows how dangerous the current area is. Dead party members can be resurrected at the landing module.
2022-08-03 12:18:08

Alcatraz was formed in 1988 from the ashes of the more strangely named "Motley Crue Team", by Metalwar (Code, Music), Helix (Gfx) and PGCS (Gfx).

Metalwar was the mastermind behind most of the first productions of the group, until the time of Mega Demo 2, when new creative members like Hornet of Avengers joined Alcatraz.

After Mega Demo 3, Metalwar started to work on his dream Amiga game, codenamed "Ilyad". This shoot 'em up was eventually released in 1989 by UbiSoft. One year later, Metalwar and Helix decided to leave both the group and the scene, leaving PGCS heading the group.

Ilyad (Description)
2022-08-03 13:32:28
ILYAD is a side scrolling shoot 'em up with big sprites. You control a spaceship and your goal is to defeat all enemies. A sinister villain named Baron Arkhon has unbalanced the temporary space of the galaxy. We must destroy their bases and set the temporary equilibrium in 4 different ages (destinations):The Creation, Prehistory, Antiquity and the Middle Ages. At the end we will have to enter the fortress of Arkhon to destroy the generator of a infernal time machine. We can obtain 14 power-ups like Speed Down/Up and several types of improvements for the shot. The most effective are the triple trigger as Bustar, Doolyx, Jaxtorys, Leitun or Kyus. At the end of stages the are enormous final bosses with enormous sprites that require a lot of shots. Ilyad has a very effective soundtrack..
'I had created maybe around 30 demos and I wanted to create a game on the Amiga because I always like shoot'e 'up. It was a new challenge for me: I gathered a team of a few people, some of them ended up not staying very long: Marc Albinet, the graphic designer, who would work on other games later on, such as Agony, Frédéric Hahn (musician with Ackerlight), Pierre Adane (who worked on the copy-protection system and the endgame animation), and myself Olivier Régis (Metalwar), doing the cosing in terms of programming, there was nothing fancy. I just had to create some specific tools to piece up graphics piece-by-piece and to manage the dynamics of enemy motion. We then called Ubisoft to show them our Ilyad project. Marc Albinet and myself met one of the Guillermot briothers in Paris - they are the founders of Ubisoft. At that time, the firm was very small compared to what it is now, and the licensic fees we received, were really symbolic. They barely covered our travel expenses, but we did not do it for the money."
Brainstorm is a Swiss-based demo group, that has existed in two distinct periods; their formation as an Amiga demo group in the period between 1989 and 1993, and their reformation as a mainly pc demo group in 2006 until present day. They were originally formed a short while before may 1989 by graphician Chester and coder Majestic, and their first release was Lazer Roll. During the summer they recruited more members (like Orlando), and at the end of the summer vacation they were joined by the entire group Axxis (Bird, ...). This group had both a Swiss and German section, but the German section was found to be substandard and was forced to leave after a while. Another member, swapper Joker, left the scene soon after. They had by now started planning what would become the diskmagazine Zine. It was originally conceptuated as a cooperation between Brainstorm and another Swiss group at the time, Setrox, but the latter eventually decided against being part of the project. Due to this, Setrox coder The Accused left to join Brainstorm. Zine 1 was released in october. They were now a totally Swiss group again, except for two German members - Shadow and Yankee.
Advert in Cracker Journal 18 (january 1990), looking for members. Cracker Journal 19 (march 1990) reported, "Angel Dust joined Brainstorm and his name is now Six Pack." Sometime between Zine 3 (february 1990) and Zine 4 (april 1990) they decided to kick their German writer Yankee because he wasn't productive enough. He was a freelance writer for D.I.S.C. for a while before finally joining Addonic. Zine 5 was released at the Alcatraz Pentcost Party 1990 at the beginning of june. It was to be Orlando's last issue as editor, as The Accused had returned from his army service.
Metamorphosis (august 1991) mentioned their bbs Cheese-Line as 'new', and listed Accused, Axel, Bird, Chesney, Chester, Droid, ESA, Fly, Grubi, Luke, Macho, Majestic, Odie, Oli, Orlando, Patsy, Peace, Scattergold and Truxton as active members. Danish megaswapper The Pride joined the group in late september, and was sent a new packmenu for creating a new series of packs (see Superpack 1) - which would become the Obsession packseries, starting in october. All this was also reported in R.A.W 1 (november 1991).
R.A.W 2 (february 1992) reported that The Pride moved on from the group to join Sanity, and that a Finnish section had been opened by Phazer, Extabulator, Hoover, Mac, Top Azz and Voyager.
January 1993 saw the release of Axel's musicdisk Musicland, featuring among other songs his 8th-placed Technology from The Party 1992 the month before.
» FALSE influenced early esolangs like brainfuck and Befunge, which went on to inspire more, setting off the esolang movement. Did you have much interaction with esolangers (either during the Amiga era – not that they were called esolangers then – or more recently)?
Back then yes. Me and Chris Pressey would email a lot, with him showing me his latest creations (I mostly went back to “serious” language design after FALSE :). There was also quite a bit of community around FALSE, with people making implementations in other languages/systems, or make dialects etc. There was actually quite a few people that made “useful” programs in FALSE
Areas like the demoscene or electronic games existed only rudimentarily as analog systems (pinball etc) In this sense they were new and updated the system.
Other areas changed or replaced existing areas: 
- Data collection and analysis (punch cards, etc.)
- word processing

> From media running on humans to media running on computers
A rework of the not used pico8-game for lovebyte. Added graphics and effects and sound.
My personal demo-problem: no restrictions for demo. so you could make everything. You would have to go for visual narration like the other prods in this category.
@la1n/imp89 @Shana @dipswitch Sorry, I only just now noticed about this intense discussion going on. Shana has put it 100% correct already. The name eventually was given to the event by Furball/Fake That back in 1996 for Bünzli#1 (taking place near Bern). Was changed to 'Buenzli' (no umlaut) once international visitors started to appear. This then was kind of a 'trademark' for a while. When we changed the location from Winterthur to Olten, we also rebranded the party to Demodays, a name that was a bit generic but worked without the need to explain it all the time. It also allowed for the Demonights pun afterwards. 'Demodays', however, has not really been adopted by the demoscene too much, many people just kept it calling Buenzli (or 'Buenzu' for some). This is also somewhat reflected in inconsistent naming/series ordering on Pouet and possibly Demozoo. I'm happy, Furball &the other teenage guys called the event Bünzli: Without that decision, we wouldn't have interesting discussions like this 😉
2023-03-16 15:56:19
The keyboard is really good. 
Attention: The backspace is called ‘roubout’ and you can use it with SHIFT! on the right side on top (same place like backspace)
There are three modes:
  • Default Inser-Line (L)
  • Commands (K) - Commands : Shift-Function > The command
  • Graphics (G) - Create the char with graphics (First Shift Graphics > Shift Key)
The whole system is a token coding thing.
and for the machine to not look like “a pregnant calculator”
'C64 an 8bit console computer on steroids'.
The intellivision was at the same time a real good 16bit system and console and not like the c64 a 8 bit processor with 64k ram. Hell to code for … 
2023-04-16 13:19:38

Our President, Paul Schaerer

As Our President since 1993 he tries to keep the club running. He also tries to "fill" the club-MAGA 
He was born at 1st of April 1954 and is an educated radio-tv technician. 1978 he startet working for IBM and acts as a Hardware Level2 supporter since January 1997 in still the same company. 
Even if he works with "real PCs", he loves MSX. He is a hardwareman and You can see it because he developped a lot of Hardwarestuff. 
->Slotexpander, Modeltrain-controlling and some other hardware. 
His e-mail address:

Our Vice-President, Peter Burkhard

This man is the driven force of SUNRISE SWISS and so also the driving force to developp all the excellent projects released by SUNRISE SWISS. In his professional live he is a salesman who sells courtains. 
During his small free time he likes to play games with MSX and Playstation. He is the guy who everytime finds new software like games, demos and sounds in all over the world. He also holds contact with all MSXers all over the world. To do this, a thing not from MSX is very helpfull to him; INTERNET. 
His e-mail address:
picture of Vice-President
picture of Cashier

Our Cashier, Hans Juergen Rechsteiner

One of the most important jobs in a club is the cashiers job. This is not only his job for the club, but it is also a big part of his daily business. He is the branch manager in a large chain store with stores all over Switzerland.
As an MSX computer-hobbyist, he mostly tries to make titles for his own movies. He also likes it to developp own sounds with his music-module. Another thing he loves is to make bar-b-queues. How all the other things, he also does this nearly perfect. 
His e-mail address:

Our Secretary, Hans Langenauer

His job in our club is, to write everything about our monthly meetings. This is not an easy, but a very intresting job. He also writes all the paperstuff for the club. In his professional live he is a government official in a village near St. Gall. If he don't have to write articles for the MAGA, he loves it to make movies. On every ocassion, he is there with his camcorder. All this stuff, he is editing and cutting with his MSX. That's why he is waiting yearning for the announced digitizer which should be released soon from SUNRISE SWISS. 
Sorry, but he don't have an e-mail. Phone: xx41 x71 385 85 72
picture of Aktuar
picture of Beisitzer

Our Assistant, Marcel Truetsch

As Our Assistant, he is mostly responsible for the editing of the club-MAGA. He is an educated postman and he loves not even MSX but also interneting and gameconsoles. He everytime knows the newest news about Internet helps, and games.
He also is a member of the legendary SUNRISE SWISS which developpes the finest stuff for MSX. He knows nearly everything about the news there and he acts as a kind of public relations manager. So, he seems to be the right hand of Peter Burkhard. 
His e-mail address:
2023-04-17 10:15:52
8bit in everywhere 
- memory
- graphic
- sound
- coding  (branch, length of the code)
> complexity
> seize developping! 
> 8bit damocles sword
>> finding not allover solutions (like gameengines!) - engines for jump and runs, shootemups > special solutions
2023-02-11 14:57:25
Make games copyable. Some cracker groups where in the tradition of information freedom, others learned from cracking software creating software, others had fun, others were in a sport ‘who is first’ and of course also others gained money. 
Why switzerland? and not us? The rumor is: There was no law in switzerland against cracking. 
Actual Demoscene
2023-02-11 14:57:40
The demoscene was first a spin-off the crackers and became an own culture with festivals, ‘jams’ and contests. Often there are old computers embeded. 
Pinballs & Computing
2022-05-27 18:48:48
Pinballs are really computing hells. 
Demake Culture
2022-07-27 22:16:15
Demake is a ‘downsized’ game - a game developed for a ‘better platform’ (techincal) and was than recoded for an older vintage system. 
Motorola 68000
2023-03-17 10:37:06
Base for a lot of computers (GUI, Mac, Atari, Amiga, Next  etc) arcades and Arcades! Expensive but with a fantastic assembler-language.
New software created for old obsolete hardware like in the demoscene or games on atari 2600 and so on.
Erich von Däniken
2022-04-11 20:26:53
A lot of ideas from Erich von Däniken were and are very popular for creating fiction like in games.
Style was influenced by
2022-04-13 10:56:12
working with Photoshop and Tools like KaisPowerTools.
There are several things coming from the cracking/demo scenes like the background over the area of the 320x240 pixels. The scroll text and and and. Perhaps also the backscrolling after finishing the levels.
A lot of questions for the makers and an interview.
Floppy discs
2022-04-14 12:42:16
Floppy disc or magnetic disc are faster and mor flexible than tapes. you can load and store autonom (no start and stop) and not linear, you can store them here or there. but of course also expensiver (you cant anymore use a (music) tapedrive.
2023-05-07 09:21:37
Tracker were software - used especially on the Amiga. The most of the music was created in this type of music software. And the people behind the swiss games of the 80ies/90ies even created a tracker and the possibility to use the same framework also in games.
Often used - enter data from cover or description. 
With more and more photocopiers, often used bad copyable sujets (red etc) or complex systems like rotating discs (several lucas arts games  and were in the mood of the game).
Later the dialog to enter the number/code came in the middle of the game (manic mansion etc). 
Codes were also used to ‘store’ progression.
Size (limitations)
Colors (Farbverläufe vgl.  limitations)
Texts with Effects (Sin, Cosinus etc) > Grafity
Rotating Objects (Like cube)
Parallax layers … 
Writing into the boarders
Missing often: Creativity, technical driven
A lot of new possiblities to do things into the anolog world or in the new digital world:
- Music: a new style
- Music-Tools: create your own songs, software-syntheziser like the trackers. 
- New styles
- Design > DTP
- Rendering
DTP (Create and publish)
- Desktop Publishing (Design 2)
- Interactives
- Games
- …
The difference between Homecomputer and Businessmaschines was clear for the homecomputer users. Homecomputers were cheap, colorful, had sound, modern (GUI) and you could play with them. So they were designed for ‘fun’. And they came all in one - as one consumer product. So it was ‘identity’. Clear that the Amiga was first designed as an Console. On the hardware side the homecomputers didn't use the ugly intels like almost no Arcade-Console-Maschine did. The question here why? Perhaps because the most of the Software had to be coded in Assembler? 
One of the big question was: Is the Macintosh a Homecomputer? One answer it was to expensive for beeing a homecomputer. Perhaps the homecomputers were the cheap versions of the macintoshs.
What is next? 16/32-Bit but which one?
(- Macintosh)
- Atari ST? (like C64)
- Amiga (Multimedimaschine) expensive - Amiga 500
- Sinclair 68000
- Archimedes?
(- NEXT very expensive!)
Development Process
2022-05-29 11:04:38
The game development process was splittet into different type of productions. Each part had its own tools like coding / assembler, images > paint tools and of course music with the trackers.
where it successfully established itself primarily in the United Kingdom, France, Spain, and the German-speaking parts of Europe.
2022-07-17 00:07:50
Console or Computer? 
Could be both:
- Consoles with Keyboards
- Computers with Cartdriges
_ virus
_ transformation
_ smart monster
_ fit monsters 
_ nihilation
_ all also visuals rules
2022-04-13 10:25:54
GameDevs are gamedeveloppers. The name tells also a lot about the idea behind. The most important thing was the technical difficulties.