Buenzli was a demoscene party 
why this name?
@la1n/imp89 @Shana @dipswitch Sorry, I only just now noticed about this intense discussion going on. Shana has put it 100% correct already. The name eventually was given to the event by Furball/Fake That back in 1996 for Bünzli#1 (taking place near Bern). Was changed to 'Buenzli' (no umlaut) once international visitors started to appear. This then was kind of a 'trademark' for a while. When we changed the location from Winterthur to Olten, we also rebranded the party to Demodays, a name that was a bit generic but worked without the need to explain it all the time. It also allowed for the Demonights pun afterwards. 'Demodays', however, has not really been adopted by the demoscene too much, many people just kept it calling Buenzli (or 'Buenzu' for some). This is also somewhat reflected in inconsistent naming/series ordering on Pouet and possibly Demozoo. I'm happy, Furball &the other teenage guys called the event Bünzli: Without that decision, we wouldn't have interesting discussions like this 😉