With modems1987 and zterm you could enter to a bbs and download software. You needed the number and of course a computer on the other side. So this bullet boards system where dial in systems. from time to time the mother of a guy took the phone .-)
You only used this in the ‘phone cheap time’ - >21.00. A game for Amiga or Atari ST was 900kb - the modem was about 3600-12200 bauds. you waited very long from time to time.
Usage, Services
_ Textfiles
_ Filez
_ Diskmagazines
_ Software
_ Games
_ BBS-Games
_ Public Domain
FILE_ID.DIZ (Organisation of content)
Local BBS in those times
BBS HangLoose - SysOp: Bandit - Area Baden
BBS-List of Switzerland (May 1993)
The dream zone
BBS Games - External Programs - Doors
Modempiraterie: Warum verbotene Modems so beliebt waren
An intro to the topic
Enter the topic
Interesting Link: Plato system with one ot the first bullet boards called notes.
Plato System (CDC) 1962+
Als die Daten reisen lernten
DiskMags - Magazines on discs
Zines: DiskMags/Softwaredisks from magazines or compilations [meta]
Stefan Höltgen
BBS WorldWide Map from demozoo
Switzerland on the demoscene bbs card